This AC came crashing down like a commet in Dubai

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So, the other day, we were visiting a client of client of ours when we saw an interesting scene. An AC outer unit, laying on a car’s bonnet. The bonnet was all smashed and people were standing there laughing at the incident. Just like everyone else, we were also intrigued about the situation and a wave of suspense and drama went swiftly through our nerves. But, duty calls and we went to see our client first.

Ah yes, the Dubai, the glamour and luxury, but it comes at a price and that price is heat, although sometimes it’s not the weather. Our job was related to ventilation system maintenance and it went all good but after sometime, one of our workers just couldn’t resist asking the owners about the scene outside. He laughed out and said “just what happened out there boss? An accident?”

“oh it’s not an accident” the owner replied, let’s just call him sheikh, “it was a job well done” he said laughing

“oh really? Another one of our workers said, “how so? What happened down there?”

“how do you like tiktok?” the sheikh asked, “do you like pranks? Because that was a prank what you’re asking about” this reply got us all intrigued, after this we didn’t need to push further as the sheikh told the whole thing by himself, “there’s this old guy who lives in the apartment building where the car is parked. He’s old and retired. We meet now and then or maybe once a few months or so and most of the time he’s irritated and agitated at something or another. Almost feels like he’s trying to find something to be angry at.

But anyway, it’s been a few days since some tiktokers came in living in the same apartment building and they are all about the automobile expo next month in October 2023 and brought that car with them. They were shooting then shooting tiktok slowmos and pranks all over the place.

The apartment, the market, the street, the mosque, just everywhere. There’re a nuisance and became a headache for us. They were pulling pranks on cars, on people and children and someone called Shurta on them one day. But it became sorted out quickly. But then, just yesterday” he smiled, “they pranked the old man who was coming back from the market with some eggs and one of the pranksters stopped him and took an egg and smashed in onto his head and then they all ran away laughing”

“oh really!” one of our workers said, “it only gets better from now on” sheikh replied and then he continued

“some of our guys talked to the old man and tried confronting the tiktokers but they couldn’t get them. Then they all went to old man’s apartment up on the sixth floor. I don’t know what happened in there but, the thing is, that the old man used to be mechanic and someone might have told him about the boys’ car and what i have heard, is that he disassembled the AC outer unit by himself and threw it onto their car smashing it’s bonnet” this made all of us laugh for some time, “I was in my office and it was around 9 pm when I head a sound which sounded as if there was a car accident and then I found out that it was indeed a car accident

Those tiktokers called the Shurta and they found out through the CCTV who actually did it but now the case is under way and we are all in good spirits knowing that somebody got car anatomy lesson just as it should be delivered to them, all grinded and smashed”

For some time, we all talked and laughed for some time and went on with on with finishing our job but our spirits were all high and we were all happy knowing that there were a few less idiots running on the streets. As the project continued, we found out that the people from the apartment building had taken the old man’s side and he was jailed but he was delivered a hefty fine. It was what it was but after that, at least there were no pranks by people who don’t know how to joke and who don’t understand that there are consequences to even jokes.

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